Wednesday, February 26, 2020

New Website!!

The new home for heArt makes is here!!! 

Yehhh!!! I created a new website that is going to be the new home for the heArt makes community. 
A place to share inspirations, creativity and explore with no fear. 

Check the new home and subscribe for the heArt makes community!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

7 tips to be highly creative on the go

Hey, Creative friend!
heArt makes has a new home!!! 
Just check my new site for more inspiration!!
 Click here.

Hi lovely creatives! 

If you follow me on instagram you know that I was on vacation with family and that I carry with me a little folder with some supplies and that allowed me to create and get inspired during my holiday time.

I know that for some people going out of their studio or art corner can be just stressful and a block point for creativity. Being out with family and friends, trying to see everything can easily seem that we don't have time to create.

But I found out that there is time, and that is not so difficult to create on the go if we follow some tips that help to adjust the mindset and maintain that freedom vibe to create

So lets jump into this 7 tips that will help you 
to be highly creative when you are on the go

1.Prepare a simple art kit with few supplies

Grab only the supply's that you love most and use on a daily basis. That kit should be easy to get out of your bag and create on a simple chair. Too many stuff will overwhelm you and enable you to pull out your stuff to sketch something simple. You will probably think: oh so many work to just sketch a flower, or to take notes of this colors!! You will end up not doing it! 
And this simple things might be a starting point to a future bigger work, or ideas to then create on the studio when you come back home. 
So simplicity is the key!

This was the kit that I selected this year for vacation

see the video of all the supplies here

watch the video making this version of a "flowish" journal to have stack of scraps always handy 

2. Grab one or two very simple and junk journals

If I use a brand new journal, with white untouched fancy paper I feel blocked. I cannot create easily at home so worse is when I'm on the go. So I grab small little journals with painted pages, that I know that they will inspire me to create and that I will not be sorry if I mess up on them.
Think on your on the go journal as a visual inspiration keeper rather than a book where you will create great art pieces. The mindset of creating big beautiful things can itself  block creativity.
Also prepare some awesome scrap papers that inspire you to start. I create a kind of a flowish journal that helps me have on hand a stack of paper that I love

3. Look at your surroundings for inspiration

When I'm out for some walks or holidays with family I really allow me to inspire good and beautiful things around me. 
I look at nature, the flowers, the sea, I see the colors, shapes, objects, the lights. I pay attention to the little things. If something catches my eyes I can take a picture and then use as inspiration, or I use the journals to scribble a shape, add some colors, collage some papers. I even can take some notes to remind me latter. For me this is all part of the creative process. 
As I said back is not the master piece itself that I'm looking for but the little bits that will feed my inspiration for later creations.

4. Don't worry about the product but enjoy the process

Being out of home and out of internet is an amazing opportunity for being you, for letting the way you see the world express through your journal. So just inspire that vibe of freedom when you are on the go and let it go. Don't think too much, just enjoy the creative process.

5. You only need 10 min of the day to lay down some color strokes and some scribbles

Again my goal when I'm out is to keep my mojo up and feed my inspiration. So if I only have time to spread some paint to the journal, scribble some sketches I'll be happy anyway, because that is also part of my creative process and I know that these little bits are precious for my creations.

6. Use chunks of time to create one page in different moments

In vacation we always have family or friends near us, which is so awesome, but if you want to create a bigger page and don't have that all time it can be stressful. So my tip is to use little chunks of time and keep going on that page on different moments. 
I saw myself starting a page with some paint, and then in other moment I add some collage, and in another day I sketch some flowers, and so on. Your soul will get satisfied because you indeed create a little bit and you will not stress because of time lack. 

7. Create anywhere

If you carry with you just a journal and few supplies you literally can create everywhere when that little moment alone comes to you. When inspiration flows to you mind or when you see something that needs to be noted.

Don't think on creating a master piece on the go.  Instead think as a process of picking bits of little things, taking notes, ideas, some sketches, feeding your inspiration. With your soul full you will create your master piece later!!


And my extra tip is that if you have little kids and they love to play with you let them be part of that creative moment. Give them a little journal and let them play with you. Is an absolute rewording moment. In my art bag I added a set of watercolors for my little girl. She loves to be messy with me!!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Play and Explore Art Tags set - Tips and ideas on how to print them

Hey, Creative friend!
heArt makes has a new home!!! 
Just check my new site for more inspiration!!
 Click here.

Hey friends!!

This week I share with you a  set of Tags "Play and Explore Art Tag set" designed with my art that you can download for free!!!

I know that is super fun have some papers to collage to our pages, to embellish our journals. So I decided that would be fun to share this set with you.
I have some fun ideas on how I will use them that I'll share with you soon, but first I made a quick video showing some ideas on how I print them, like size and kinds of paper, so we can have different options to play with them.

If you haven't download yet you Tag set, just do it!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The 100 Day Project I Review

Hey, Creative friend!
heArt makes has a new home!!! 
Just check my new site for more inspiration!!
 Click here.

This year for the first time in my art journey I had the courage to jump into the big challenge #The100dayproject. Always seems to me so big that I thought! You will never can do that!! Life is too busy, runs so fast. It's not possible.

But this year it sounds like different!! Me and some friends at that time we were trying to figure how could we get together an artjournal community in Portugal. We feel that we need that, because artjournaling is not so well known here. So we decided that #the100dayproject could be a very interesting starting point to start that community. We created a challenge in the big one and we call it #100daysartjournalemportuguês and we started.

This is not a very easy challenge. Commit to make every single day a piece of art during 100 days is not easy. But since I started many things have change. My process evolved so much an I've been able to define my way of making art. It's strange, but that is the truth. 

I'am now at the middle of the challenge and more 50 pieces I'm going to create. At the end of the project I will for sure have some interesting thoughts about this journey to say and a beautiful collection of little pieces of art. I'm learning so much!!

I post every day my creations on instagram. Follow me there.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Play and Explore Art Tags "Freebie"

Hey, Creative friend!
heArt makes has a new home!!! 
Just check my new site for more inspiration!!
 Click here.

Hey there friends!
I have great news to share with you all.

You know how important is for me your support and positive comments about my work . I'm absolutely grateful for this beautiful community.
As I already shared on Instagram is my goal to take my art and my creative journey into another level, sharing ideas, tips, and my creative process with you is one of my intentions.

I really believe that when we share we growth though is so important that we can be able to create together and  I'll be happy if I spread some joy and inspiration to you all.

      Here are the news!!! Yehhh

I created a tag set using my own art and I want to give YOU them for free. This tag set is a start to create. You know how "freedom" is my main word when I create. So feel free to rip, tear, paint over, collage. Explore and recreate with these tags.

Sign up for your Free 

I would love see all your creations with the tags. So please share it with us on social media. 
On Instagram or in facebook use the #heartmakesinspired so I don´t miss any!!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Small Journals - Life Documented

Hey, Creative friend!
heArt makes has a new home!!! 
Just check my new site for more inspiration!!
 Click here.

Hi friends!
Is time for another video for Life Documented.

May theme: Journal on the fly
Prompt: make a small journal to carry with you
Technique: Use scraps of papers to create small journals
Quote: Crete Art anytime everywhere.

For this week we are going to create small journals to take with us on the go!
I love to work on small size. And I use small hand size journals not only to carry with me but also to work at home when I don’t have too much time for a bigger page.
For my daily practice I use very simple journals with different kind of papers.

I made a video where I create my hand size journals and I also create a kind of a flowish journal to have always on hand scraps of paper ready to be used as collage on your little journals. I was very inspired by the gorgeous boocklets that Roben-Marie has been making for her #100daysproject, and so inspired on her I made this flowish journal!

Check out the video!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Art Journal em Português

Hey, Creative friend!
heArt makes has a new home!!! 
Just check my new site for more inspiration!!
 Click here.

This is a billing post (English ↴)

É com uma alegria enorme que vos vou apresentar um desafio que começa já amanhã 2 de Abril, que são os #100daysartjournalemportuguês criado em conjunto com a @sandramarquesdesa e com a @anavilaflor.
Primeiro quero contar-vos um bocadinho do porquê deste desafio. Como sabem eu sou apaixonada por mixed media e artjournal e há uns anos quando comecei não conhecia literalmente ninguém em Portugal que fizesse este tipo de trabalhos, eu comecei a aprender na internet e foi a partir daí que criei a minha comunidade. 
Para me fazer entender criei a minha página no instagram e sempre falei em inglês. No entanto sempre a precisar de companhias portuguesas para partilhar e trocar ideias. 

Pensava cá para comigo, de certeza que há por aí muita gente a fazer isto, mas como eu, falarão todas em inglês e não nos aprecebemos umas das outras. 
Esta minha vontade de encontrar comunidade cá dentro fazia-me pesquisar constantemente por portuguesas até que encontrei a Sandra e a Ana, e depois de algumas conversas e de nos termos conhecido pessoalmente, percebemos que era comum a vontade de criar uma comunidade de mixed media e artjournal em Portugal. Assim surgiu o #criaremportuguês.

Para o desafio inicial e para a chamada de portuguesas decidimos entrar no desafio #100daysproject com o #100daysartjournalemportuguês.
E é agora que a minha felicidade dispara!!! Não é que depois da primeira publicação em Português, a falar de mixed media e art journal apareceram meninas que gostam desta arte? 
E cá estamos nós!! Todas nós empolgadas na véspera de começar o nosso desafio em Português.

Vejam o vídeo que fiz para a apresentação do projeto. Não se esqueçam de ver as páginas da Sandra e da Ana também!!!

Quem quiser está sempre a tempo de começar e juntar-se a nós. Este é o primeiro de muitos projetos e ideias que temos e estamos a preparar para vos trazer no mundo da mixed media e artjournal agora também em Português.

Para ser mais fácil nos encontrarmos e vermos os trabalhos de todas, estamos no instagram e usamos as #criaremportuguês e #100daysartjournalemportuguês.

Hello Hello my friends,
Today I want to talk with you about one project #criaremportuguês that I co-created with two friends @sandramarquesdesa and @anavilaflor.
First a little bit about why this!!? Well has you know I'm a Portuguese artist and since I started I felt really alone on this mixed media world here in Portugal. After I started my IG account I started to talk in English because I wasn't seeing nothing of this kind of works on my country, nor people doing that. So talking English was the best way I could get in a mixed media community. 
After some years I started to feeling that I wanted to create a Portuguese community. Probably there is people out there doing the same as me and talking in English, so I will never find those people. I started to search and finally found some Portuguese girls who love art journal too. After some conversations and feeling the same that I was feeling we decided to create a community for making art journal in Portuguese. And so we created #criaremportuguês. 
For the first call in Portuguese and the first challenge we jump in the #100daysproject and created our own little project the #100daysartjournalemportuguês.
So after the first call we found some really good girls, all talking in English!!! :) :) they loved the idea and  jump into this project with us. 

We get started tomorrow,  April 2, along with #100daysproject. We are all creating in different forms and having some in common. Words. Portuguese words. One by day. Check out the video for presenting the project. 

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